The start: DHC eyelash tonic

Ikr. An accidental shot but I thought it is quite nice to kick start my post.

As above, Today I'm noting the start of my 3 months regime. Yes, to grow some more lashes. I got the DHC eyelash tonic off the shelves today. Hardworking me immediately snapped the before picture for keep-sake.

This is a little different from the usual H/M. I will be updating weekly on my lashes and then write my H/M post after 3 months! *cross fingers lazy =/= me*

Some might feel my lashes ain't sparse. Yes, they look pretty thick and long but it is not.
It does look great with mascaras but my lashes are falling off at a scary rate.

Top down
Not exactly long

Bottom up

It might look quite full and all but from the front it is like...

I know this picture is a little blur but it sort of looks like this. I can't be bothered to take another picture.

I want longer, fuller upper lashes and bottom lashes.  If you don't know, I barely have lower lashes :(
And my goal is to skip the whole mascara thingy when I'm going to school and have some lower lashes for mascaras to cling on.

Thought for a while and decided to pick the lash tonic up to try. 3 more months to school, I thought it'd be a good time to start. Not forgetting the 15% off hahaaaaa! #cheapo

Stay tuned to week 1's update!

PS, birthday post part 1 tomorrow! Do check back! 
*pinky promise this time if not I'd shut down my space*