Xmas Xchange with 12A


Yesterday, I headed over to zhao's place for xmas xchange with 12A. I reached really late. Had to do last minute shopping but ite didn't manage to give all the presents out. Vinus left when I just reached. Nice.

I hanged around a little while before heading home. They had a movie to catch and I didn't like Sherlock Holmes. Can imagine lots of talking scenes. I WANT ACTION/ZOMBIE MOVIE! ^^

Anyhow, saved a couple of pictures so here you go!

Presents under the xams tree.

Btw I got for XinYi (xb's girlfriend). Really headache. I stalked her facebook for 340934809 times. Wanted to grab couple panda cups but saw they have some couple cups already. Ite I got all her gifts from Watsons. I mean, must at least buy something useful right? Wanted to grab a full set of make up for her but cannot find the glosses and blush thing, which is really good. 

I got her brown liner. I guess brown suits her better since she's on the less make up side? For that brand (L'oreal), I'm totally hooked to the black one. 

Hope you like it! 

I tend to spend more on individuals. (like yx's present as well). I've to get the same thing for the people in the same group if not like unfair right?

Got the girls penguins hhahahaha! so cute! see pictures later.

Guessing their presents
I hope they like it. It is damn hard to choose the shapes and all. 

Log cake!

My secret Santa is Eugene! He got me a pink penguin! So ke ai!

Wl took a very good picture! (But I hate the colours. Oh well lazy to edit)

Some xmas carols. (LOL) before cake cutting.

Cow eating santa.

From papa&mama hahaha ^^

My penguin!

Parted and back home with like 3/4 bags. Dropped them and removed my outer checkered wear. Argh somehow it makes me look weird. idky.

Went off to meet bbg to pass her her present. Chatted a while before heading home. Too cold to be true.

I should like grab winter hat and head to somewhere beautiful! Perfectly cold for warm clothes and beautiful lighting. If I ever have the energy to go out.

Ever since I finished the show, I'm like.... down down down down down.
oh well, somebody entertain me?

Maybe I should plan the food list tmr's Christmas gathering.

Merry xmas!

1 more post below!