2014 Sunday Weekly Bites #51

Christmas is next week(well, technically this week) and I am not done with decorations, planning for the Christmas dinner and picking up prezzies!

Got to finish everything before Christmas Eve but I'm so so drained!

15/12/2014, Monday

Lesson in the morning. Spent the rest of the day watching k dramas lol.

16/12/2014, Tuesday

Made butter sugar cookies wooo! Not bad! I think I can finally bake properly.

17/12/2014, Wednesday

Meet my chemigalzzzzz for dinner, catching up and Christmas exchange! You will probably see them in other SOTW! Oh ya thanks for the unwanted freebie you got from MRT station too ah xj hahaaaa.

18/12/2014, Thursday

Lesson in the morning then TWD at night. Have to wait till feb 2015 for the next episode :(

19/12/2014, Friday

Major 'winter' cleaning party today. Dusted and cleaned, threw out stuff we don't need anymore. My house is filled with hidden gems and ancient stuff, it's overwhelming.

20/12/2014, Saturday

Signed up for a 2 day event position. At least I  worked this holiday. I can never sit and bum around for any break. I have to get out and work for at least a day or two, it is just me.

Worked and I really worked too hard. Limped home with 4 blisters (new shoes). Too tiring.

21/12/2014, Sunday

Had a hearty breakfast - cheese bokki LOL. Still trying to familiarise with Mac's system. Had to google how to shut down and all. For now, google is my best friend.

So today, or rather the day before since you're reading this on Tuesday, is the last day as my promoter event job. 2 days and I feel like I A LOT of people there. I like talking to Aunties and Uncles but I suck at communicating with younger (aka 20+ years old) generation. How is it just me?

Wanted to post this on Sunday but I was too tired to finished it. Went JB on Monday that's why you're only seeing this on Tuesday.

Gonna rest a bit and get the things I am supposed to do done!
Are you excited for Christmas yet?