Before the greatest post of all time

Attention to everyone on board. You got to read tomorrow's blogpost.
Timing: 11pm 

I know it is a little late but trust me, it is worth the wait! And staying up. 
Come to think of it, no one exactly sleeps at 11pm on a Saturday, right?

May is coming soon. That's my birthday month! 
So excited I'm going to pamper myself likea princess. The rest can wait. 

First of all, birthday presents. The only legit month (I shall try to adhere to this) to splurge on things I've been eyeing on. Been thinking for really long and I decided, I want a camera this year. Iphone is good but I can't make myself not hate the front camera. 

As such, 

Canon G12? 

DSLR produces excellent pictures but I'm too lazy to carry the bulky thing around + I will probably not utilise it to its maximum potential. So I'm going for a camera hunt VERY soon. Omg I'm so excited yet scared at the same time. Don't know for what reason meh. 

Chanel Chance

I really love this scent. Was contemplating between getting this or another bottle of Gucci Envy Me (Thanks Dearests for this! Love it sooooo much it is my favourite scent!)

Guess a new bottle will be better :3 

Long Champ

I thought this will be good for school. Putting laptop/carry heavy stuff. I foresee heavy ttm bag to school. 
Can't decide on the colour yet. Black/red? 


I need a durable and classic wallet, I guess. The one I am using now broke wtf. Can't find any cheap and good replacement as of now so I'm still carrying it around. 

But I wouldn't get this till next year. Wait till someone travels to Europe and help me grab one. The price difference is crazy. 

So right now I gonna hunt for something to last till then.

I wouldn't buy everything on the same day wtf if I did my bank account will hate me till the cow comes home. Spread over the month/these couple of months.

Can't wait for May, no?

Will take this opportunity to do medi/pedi/massage/hair cut/treatment/facial/whatsoever. Write about it soon. 

I have been having horrible birthdays for years and it is justifiable to have a good 19th birthday, no?
At least this year I'm not upset or anything. Like I consider myself happy. Ohnomnomnom. 

Before I sound really materialistic here, let me write about my intangible wants. (In case I don't have the time/energy to write about it on 18/19/20May. It will be forgotten like 18th birthday booo)

I wish I will grow taller, stay lean, toned if possible. Eat a lot and never get fat. Have endless supply of happiness, good luck and laughter. Meet awesome company in new school. I would love to visit the baby penguins one day, travel overseas (at least out of sg) with my dearest friends. Stay in touch with people who meant the world to me,Improve as a whole.Embrace changes and be thankful for what remain.Be less lazy.Keep my living space tidy.Travel overseas with family again this year.Excel in school.Pick up a skill or do something good to people around me.Manage my temper and keep my cool.Love myself and people who love me more.Just be contented with life as it is. Oh, world peace and stop global warming because it is so bloody warm now.