Hi my adorable angels! I AM SO SORRY. THE POST DIDN'T COME AT 11PM YESTERDAY. I didn't even reach home before 11. -___- which I thought I would.
Sorry for anyone who camped/was waiting for my secretive post. It's 2am in the morning; I'm too beat to continue. I've tuition in the morning omg idk how I am going to wake up. I need to snooze till late noon, seriously. Hair is mostly dried now so I'm going to hit the sack. Too tired. A whole day of event yesterday. Btw, hair isn't in super cui condition. I am glad. Wavy and so. Natural hair, can't help. Whether to straighten or not is another issue. Not thinking about it as of now. Can't believe the cost of straightening my current hair length is.. 5 times higher than my previous hair length. 0.0 More about my hair stuff tomorrow.
To compensate, here's a photo of my hairstyle!
YES I KNOW I LOOK MATURE. Partly contributed by my er xin eye bags too. Sleep deprived T__T
My chin and nose have become sharper (AT CERTAIN ANGLE DON'T SAY I NEVER SAY) but my wide face just has to spoil everything. Make up is pretty awesome nowadays. So happy to finish editing all the photos in 15mins or so. Spent so much time on a stupid yogurt picture (see tomorrow) instead of my face hahahaaa. Love all the make up gurus, styles and products!
Photobucket is being exceptionally slow today. Damnzzzzzzzz.
Will blog about my hair and my fun day tomorrow.