Whiff of vanilla sugar
The perfect scent for Christmas. The perfect scent for a date. The perfect scent for a girls' night out. The perfect scent for everything.
Read about the descriptions of different B&BW shower gels and I know I have to get every single one of them. They excite me omg I can't wait to line my shelf with B&BW stuff. I need to travel to US now. Their promotions are really good oh god.
Not sure if I mentioned but the Christmas scent I got last year (or some said 2 months back) was Gucci Envy.
Scents just entice me so so much. Shut up and take all my money B&BW.
Nothing really interesting so here's 3 food pics for you to drool on.
Scrambled eggs x garlic egg prawns
Cooked with Chef Chong for lunch.
(+ cereals but I don't think I need to show you guys another cereal photo because it's all over this space)
Instant gyoza but they still taste amazing with tons of black vinegar
Carbonara @ PizzaHut
I can cook that better haahhaa.
Win flights, hotel stays & travel allowance to 4 amazing cities in the Philippines! #CebuPacific #JuanBlogger contest http://sg.churpchurp.com/jielinnnx33/share/juanblogger
See you folks have fun!