Cute little... mushroom

9/10/2012, Tuesday

Walked all the way to can A area to dabao mac for breakfast. Such a sinful treat but I like ^^ Yq passed me one of her hotcakes nomnom. It's yummy. I never knew hotcakes are so good.

I'm almost done with "To the beautiful you". Leaving the last 30 minutes for dinnertime. I seriously need to balance study-play in my life. Errr study-drama haaaa! Too much dramas these days sighhhhh. I really can't help it because cute boy is so cute~

I mixed 3 different cereals together - Special K, Fitness and honey brunch (or brunches, or branches, whatever). I don't really like Fitness because they are super hard. Soft diet for old jl only.

Cereals taste fantastic with chocolate chip cookies and milo!

Last random update of the day: I snipped my hair. Round bangs -_- Ya I know right. I totally look like a weird toot with specs and all. It will grow *pats fringe* It is quite different from my usual cut.

It's actually quite troublesome to maintain the shape. I got to blow it every morning wtf. This is not going to happen anyway. I will just leave it dead straight and let people wonder whether my fringe is clip-on or not hooo.

Kinda miss my annoying long fringe now. I miss seeing my eyebrowsssss T   ^   T