My emotions took a bungee jump

Bungee jump... Yes, totally.

Meh just to spice my post up. Totally not relevant btw. 
(okay maybe when I'm damn depressed, this thought is like stuck in my bloody head to make me 10 times worse)

It is impossible not to. Now I've to pray to all the gods possible to make P2 manageable so I can have some hope to pull up my noob-shitz p1.

CANNOT CARELESS OKAY JL! And sincerely hope the questions are typical A-level questions. Not some bloody schools' prelim questions (you can interpret them as the silent assassin. Ikr)

Today I've experienced shitload of emotions. Laughed like crazy, depressed like mad, lost all my motivation and felt like dying (explains the post below. I know I cao3mei2zhu3), confidence plunged to negative infinity, sad like no words can explain.

I'm really DAMN depressed I swear. Explain me crying out (almost loudly wtf I did another embarrassing thing in IJC, AGAIN) in the library. Craziness. Finished 2 packs of tissues. So not environmental-friendly hur.

Disclaimer, I don't usually cry in public nowadays. The reason why I broke down was because at that point of time I really really missed my mum......

Wts she's still alive and kicking. Don't misunderstand. Yayaaa

Don't give up. There's another 50% my dear friends. JIA YOU JIELIN GOGOGOGOGO!

Cute penguins to cheer you up too! If you are ^^