Second week of May
Just look at the meal I had on Monday. Hohoo sinful much. Giant chicken all in my tummy.
I am terribly sorry because I accidentally deleted other photos of the week. LOL like off my computer. Permanently. T___T
Anyway, yesterday was epic max. Woke up late for NTU tea session (I know...). Went to NTU and the talk ended. Okay, it sort of ended before I reach the compound. Ended up in Lot1 nomming Korean food (been craving for years) which doesn't turn out to be as nice anymore, bought nonsense stuff at Japan Home. Back home for a nap and tons of masks. Sum the day up with a short meet up with dearests + discuss about plans for my birthday celebration. Glad at least there are people fretting over my special day.
Today I had so much food. Oh well. Food topic again.
Got a little cheese tart for my dearest moma. Happy Mothers' Day <33
Dad seems to be cooking delicious food for us heheheeee. Can't wait for dinner.
Shall help my dad a little and gonna go pack my room etc because everywhere is in a horrible mess. Sighhhh. Actually all I wanna do is chill and probably sleep the rest of my day away.
This is happening..... I MISS MY HAIR.
Ya, miss longer hair. Shall grow it!