Believe you can and you're halfway there

Dear Sunshine,

I need you. There are issues I keep brushing off but I know I can't run away forever. Challenging issues and I need to fix them. It will ultimately work out right? That's just the way. Cross my heart and hope everything will eventually end with a good note.

Instead of dreading over 1. the problems (which I've not told anyone about) and 2. how sickening it will be to leave my bed at 5am later, let me share some good news with you!

First of all, congrats jl for passing her first driving test. Can't make it back to hall in time so I spent some quality time with popa shopping for new year goodies. We had dinner together, just the two of us. Is this the first time?

Second, I'm really working hard to write a post every 1-2 days. It might not be filled with fanciful pictures (yet). I'm trying to balance my work-play-school-family-friends. I will work that out too.

Hmm speaking of school, time to start catching up before the workload snowballs. Online lectures and tutorials, here I come.

if you cannot accept failing, you cannot succeed.

Nothing truly meaningful is achieved on the first attempt, and if that's where you stop, then failure is all you will have.