No love to my name
Photoshop | Plaster
A really nice cover by Jayesslee.
Well, a couple of things
1. I think order is really important for some things. Social media should always be the last platform.
2. I am really loving étude house glitters. So pretty and they are still very much in place after a few days. But I don't like to go to their retail stores as the services suck. Shop for them online after exams. :D
3. 12 more days to finals, less than a month to 3 months break! Gonna clear it with flying colours~ just give your best for this jl you've been slacking for the whole sem.
4. Hold on to it. Keep it together. No matter how many times you feel like raising a white flag.
5. Finished where are the children by Mary Higgins Clark after nearly two months. It is a good book but I'm just too caught up with life. Starting a new book soon. I hope it is good too~
6. Last ep of code blue season 2. It's really exciting! Limiting my showtime to 1h per day.
And what's a post by greedy jl without food pic? :p
Happy Sunday!