Losing myself
*ashamed* Nearly a week since I last blogged. I've so many things lined up, one after another. Just have to hang on for 1 more week and I'll say hi to my 2 weeks break. A break from everything, a break I really need.
Thursday, 23/5/2013
Met Shermaine for interview > Chinatown > Dinner > Open concert at CQ.
And I realised I'm really scared of water lol. Trembled so much when I sat at the edge.
Saturday, 26/5/2013
Rejected work and spent my day packing (finally cleared most of my sec school stuff yay!) and for the trip. Haven't even finalised the itinerary #GG I need to draft enough posts to keep this space updated too. 24h/day, gonna plan my time really well.
Ending with....
The only selca I took this week
lol goodbye!