Don't wander too far

Hey guys! A quick one to summarise my week before I clear my work. Have to if I still want my free time/playtime :)

Will only record those with pictures hahaha. No pictures = boring day. Save you guys from really boring blabbering. 

31/8/2013, Saturday

Participated in the amazing race and we came in third! Thank you all the nice people! CapitalLand vouchers to spend during our recess week heheheee.

2/9/2013, Monday

Dinner with the family @ Collins, a place highly recommended by sw. Very affordable but I find the food very average. Well, really worth the penny because the serving is huge!

Finished our dinner in about 15 minutes! In a rush as dad came home late and aunt was waiting for us at the airport. 

Then we had the usual Swensens ice-creams again~

I kinda like the brownie (tasted really buttery) and the butterscotch ice-cream! Fatasssss. 

Sent my sissy off :'( So lonely at home I started talking to my teddy bear hahahaha. 4 more weeks to having her around again~ My nonsense acceptor hehehee!

Breakfast. Big big big bun but not very nice

Friday happy pill! 

And thank you Starhub! 

I know I need to do something to my hair. Damn er xin ugh. Till then!